Monday, November 26, 2007

How Bad Do You Want It

The thought occurred to me this evening, as I was doing evening chores: a woman completely alone on the homestead:  Would I still want to do this if it were only me here?

David is in the city working to provide the monetary means we need to be debt free, as we believe God has ordained (him to provide, us to be debt free.)  My daughter, her husband and the grandchildren are in Texas tending to a family emergency.  I have a rare opportunity to reflect completely alone this evening.

Would I pursue this life alone?  Without a doubt, yes.  Could I have done alone what David and I have done together?  Absolutely not.  Would I hunger for Christian community and fellowship?  Certainly.  But in the end, if it all boiled down to just me, staying here instead of "moving to town and getting on cable" as we joke, would I stay? 
Without a doubt. 

No matter where you are on the journey, how do you feel about this life?  Would you do it alone?  It matters.


Till next time, Blessings.



Dawn said...

I too, would most likely brave the homestead life alone too if I was to be in that postition one day.

Love the picture of the snow covered field...

We had a dusting of snow 2 weeks ago but it melted as fast as it came down :(
I remember when we were in Kansas the wonderful white stuff just piling up! Oh I loved it!
We did get a few snowy white days in Oklahoma too, but not as many in Kansas.
You would think here in Germany this place would be covered in the fluffy white stuff! Certain parts of Germany are, but I guess we are located in the 'warmer' section of the country :)

The Lord bless thee!!!!

Karnie said...

Well, Girlfriend - I *am* doing it alone. Come Monday I will close on my new farm/homestead and start building fences for the dogs. Do I wish I didn't HAVE to do it alone? You betcha - but I'm leaving town *and* cable TV - and :gasp: my cable internet :re-gasp: - behind and taking the plunge. Will I ever be able to do what you and Dave have done? Nope. Will I ever even be able to do what you alone could have? I don't harbor that illusion!! But I will do what I can and accept that one woman has limitations. Everyone else should accept that right now, too. LOL

What I do know without a single doubt is that I have your total support and that of other like-minded individuals. When I get stuck for solutions and when I am in over my head (which I have scheduled for 3.7 times per week) I know that I have an online family who will offer advice and freely laugh with me at my mistakes. :D