Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Never Complain About Rain On The Plains

This will be just a quick post.

Another storm blew through last night, this time from the north. We received probably another 1 1/2 inches of rain, which topped the ponds off and laid the corn down just a bit. It's been such an incredibly wet couple of months, but we consider it all blessing. This morning the grandchildren and I picked green beans, probably a gallon after snapping. Tomorrow I should have enough for a canner load. It seems like each year brings an abundance of one particular vegetable. I always call it our manna. This year it looks like it will be beans.

Dave butchered a goat for a customer in the city before lunch and we enjoyed some great 3-generational family time. While he worked I snapped my beans, our daughter Rachael crocheted and the children played nearby. After lunch Dave worked on expanding the electric fence for the goats, horse and mule. We found few wild plums ripe on the edge of our property and Lianna and Oran ate the whole bunch. Rachael wanted to learn how to make homemade mayonnaise, so she and I worked on that for a while. This evening was spent putting together my monthly order of soap for the Oklahoma Food Coop.

Till next time, blessings,

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