Saturday, February 16, 2008


I've been offline quite a bit in the last few weeks with various illnesses and injuries in the family, but Lord willing we're ready to move on.  A few things I've been doing to "reconnect" with my agrarian heart:

Cleaning out the greenhouse and starting a few plants

Learning to draft my own clothing patterns

Having other homesteaders over to butcher excess pigs

Continuing to reduce clutter in my home

Learning to live with an apartment sized refrigerator since my regular one went out, and saving for a SunFrost high efficiency 'fridge

Things on the to-do list:

Work on expanding fencing in order to put the remaining breeder pigs on pasture

Looking forward to David welding me a broadfork to begin the process of working the garden more without the tiller

General tidying and cleanup around the homestead

Buying or building a new incubator for hatching chickens, Muscovy ducks and guineas

Training the geese to a new barn where they can lay their eggs and brood them safely.

Lord willing, I'll be able to blog more soon,


Till next time,



Michael Bunker said...

Good to see you back Judy, we missed you!


Tabletop Homestead said...

Thank you, Michael. I've missed you guys as well. :)

Tabletop Homestead said...

Thank you, Michael. I've missed you guys as well. :)

On A Hill Homestead said...

Judy great to hear from you, sounds like you have been busy.
Blessings, Kris Ante

Kathi said...

It's so good to see new posts from you, Judy.
Joyfully, Kathi