1. The 47 pairs of shoes in my closet, to stylishly coordinate with every one of my provocative outfits.
2. The $175,000 mortgage that allows me to live in a shoddily built home 6 feet from my neighbors identical shoddily built home.
3. The Walmart 3 blocks down that allows me to buy poison gas/virus impregnated meat and "fine" goods from China.
4. 158 channels of cable TV that bring me not only the best in "reality" entertainment but all the fascinating infomercials I could ever want.
5. My job that takes me away from home 5 or 6 day a week so I can pay for the aforementioned essentials. . . . .
LOL. All jokes aside, what I'm really thankful for today:
1. The live coals left in the woodstove this morning when I got up.
2. The piece of dry wood my daughter left on the porch for me.
3. That my ribs have healed enough (haven't told this story 'cause I didn't want to whine) to allow me to split a bit more wood.
4. That none of the poultry succumbed last night to the predatory owl that's been hanging around lately.
5. The precious rain, even accompanied by plentiful mud and damp cold.
May you all share the simple blessings I enjoy. Till next time.
Live coals in the morning are indeed a blessing. We put wood on a shelf above the stove for the night so that in the morning it is hot and dry. Into the stove it goes by the first person up. A little while later it catches all on its own.
Soo... pray tell, what is the story on those ribs?
i just stumbled here, it is the simple things isn't it?
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